Language and Trauma Training (Primary) with Dr. Val Brooks

We are delighted to be hosting a training day with Dr. Val Brooks on the impact of trauma, attachment difficulties and neglect on language development and social cognition. Dr. Brooks will share her knowledge and research on this topic and will also explain how understanding this helps to inform our interventions / support for these children. This training is very relevant for: Speech and Language Therapists, SENCos, Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Social Workers, ELSAs and SILSAs. This training day will focus on Primary aged children, with a day focused on Secondary to be arranged (date TBD) in 2024.
The training day details are:
Date: Friday December 1st 2023
Time: 9:15am – 2:45pm followed by a Q&A session for those who can stay.
Venue: The D-Day Memorial Hall, Southwick, Fareham, Hampshire, PO17 6ED
Cost: £80 for the first delegate from a school / organisation, £50 for subsequent bookings from the same school / organisation.
Tea / coffee and a buffet lunch will be provided.
About Dr. Brooks
Val is a consultant Speech and Language Therapist and her PhD focused on the social and emotional development of children and young people. She has held a number of specialist social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) roles and is currently Devon’s Strategic Lead for children and young people with SEMH needs.
In 2010, Val established the Speech and Language Therapy service within the Devon Youth Offending Team where she worked with children and young people at risk of social and academic exclusion and offending. She has received a national award from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists for her work on the relationship between communication needs, attachment and trauma. Val wrote and delivers the Masters module on language development and the interaction between language disorders and complex trauma at Plymouth Marjon University. She is also a popular keynote speaker at conferences.
Find out more
Email us at hello@silsatraining.org.uk to request a booking form or if you have any queries. Please note that places on the course are limited and places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.